February 21, 2025
Can you remove toxins with a massage

Can you remove toxins with a massage?

Massage is a powerful healing tool. After the procedure, you feel light, cheerful and energized. But these are not the only benefits of a well-done massage. Other advantages include:

  • muscle tone, because the hands of an experienced masseur work out all the muscles of your body and train them in this way;
  • improvement of blood circulation, its oxygenation;
  • skin cleansing from toxins, tightening and smoothing;
  • lymphatic drainage effect;
  • improvement of nervous system and sleep.

These are not all the benefits that massage from a qualified professional brings.

How is massage related to toxins release?

Toxins are harmful agents that enter our body from the environment, food and also appear as a result of the regular body functioning. Our smart organism removes toxins in a natural way for many reasons: mineral and chemical compounds such as food additives, metals, hormones shouldn’t remain in our organs so as not to cause poisoning and diseases.

Our skin is one of the organs that remove toxins from the body. It plays a very important role in our immune health.

A quality massage improves blood circulation, which makes organs perform their purifying function. Making strokes and pressure on your skin, the massage therapist increases the outflow of blood and heat transfer. The cells are saturated with oxygen and cleansed of unnecessary substances and toxins. As a result, immunity receives a good stimulus.

The kidneys and liver perform the main filtration function of your body. The liver cleanses the blood coming from the digestive tract. It filters out chemical compounds, pathogens, cholesterol and removes them.

Therefore, lymphatic drainage massage, which stimulates the elimination of toxins, is an excellent tool for cleansing the liver.

The kidneys play the most important role in the filtration function of our body. They purify the blood of cellular decay products, food acids and send them to the exit through the urinary tract.

Oversaturated with medicines, food and alcohol toxins the body needs to be cleansed in order to work smoothly throughout a person’s life.

Regular massage of the back and kidney area will help speed up blood circulation and increase the ability of the kidneys to filter and release toxins. The best types of massage for getting rid of toxic substances are lymphatic drainage and deep tissue massage.